In the News

Atlantic Re:think

Companies have pledged to transform how they do business to tackle the climate crisis. But to reduce emissions with the necessary speed, experts say they need to take a more collaborative approach.

Book and Claim Community launches to accelerate climate solutions for heavy transport decarbonization

Smart Freight Centre (SFC) and clean energy nonprofit RMI are pleased to announce the launch of a Book and Claim Community, bringing together transport sector leaders and global organizations who wish to foster structured and effective book and claim chain of custody solutions to support heavy transport decarbonization.

New initiative targets barriers to value chain decarbonization, aims to unlock vast new climate finance

The Advanced and Indirect Mitigation Platform (AIM) will serve as a hub for removing barriers to ‘value chain’ mitigation and coordinating collective mitigation action in sectors that require extensive investment or technological change to reduce climate impact. To jump start this work, AIM will organize expert stakeholders to develop guidance on how companies can measure and take credit for emission reductions in their value chain – a critical missing piece in the climate landscape today. This work can unlock billions in new private sector climate funding and propel the most challenging sectors towards decarbonization.